5 - Find a mentor . . . to guide and inspire you!

Reason for this Goal and why have a mentor?:  A mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor.   

Finding a mentor,  someone who you would like to learn from and be like can help you enormously in becoming the person you want to be, much quicker than on your own.       

Why have a mentor? (things mentors can help you with

Following are some things a mentor can either help or inspire you with:

  • Books to read
  • Courses to take
  • Goals to set
  • Habits to develop
  • Ideas to think about
  • Lessons learned
  • Pitfalls to avoid
  • People to talk to
  • Places to go
  • Strategies to use
  • Things to do
  • Things not to do

Where to find your mentor?

Besides my parents—parents start off as your most important mentors—my Karate Sensei was my first and most influential mentor. 

I then found mentorship through listening to self-help experts like Brian Tracy, Les Brown, and my personal favourite, Jim Rohn.   I would listen to these mentors while driving my car and during my lunch hours, through most of my twenties, over 25 years ago.  

I then found my mentor at a local Toastmasters club while learning to improve my communication skill and develop my public speaking.       

I have been fortunate to have good mentors in my life, although I did not formally recognize that’s what they were until later in life.   Raymond Aaron, the publisher of my 100 Life Goals book,  has multiple mentors for each of the key areas in his life. 

I think that is a great idea and plan to someday do the same thing. Why not have a specific mentor for each of these 10 goal areas?   At least, have someone you can look up to in these areas, even if you can’t call them your mentor.

The most successful people who have achieved greatness all have mentors; why not you?    The easiest way to find a mentor is to go to the self-help section of your local book store, and find an author whom you connect with through their books and teachings.   

You can also look to the people you know, approach one of them whom you believe in, and ask them if they’d be interested in mentoring you.   Most people, regardless of their level of success, would be flattered as most never get asked.   

There are also people with professions, such as a Life Coach, who can mentor you on what you need to do through personal life coaching

Potential areas for which you need mentors include all the core areas for goals that you’ll read about in this book—a business mentor, a health or fitness mentor, a financial mentor—some of the most successful people have multiple mentors and coaches . . .  for all the important areas in their life.

My mentors

My first mentor was my Karate Sensei.  He inspired me in so many ways beyond teaching me Karate and how to kick and punch.  Every lesson include a life lesson on how to be a better person.  I trained with Sensei Wallace P. for approx 6-7 years during my twenties and this time for me was transformative.   

My mentors that followed who continue to inspire me to this day include:

Jim Rohn was a professional motivational and self help author and speaker who had a major influence in my life.  Jim Rohn honed his craft like a skilled artist—helping people like myself all around the world create life strategies that expanded my thinking about what is possible. Those who had the privilege of hearing him speak like I did attest to the elegance and common sense of his material. Mr. Rohn, although now deceased, is still widely regarded as one of the most influential thinkers of our time, and is considered by many to be the founder of the personal development movement.  He authored countless books and audio and video programs.  His legacy lives on through his website https://jimrohn.com. I highly recommend you purchase his books and listen to his speches, many of which can be found on youtube.

Raymond Aaron is one of the worlds best communicators and motivational speakers. He is the reason that I wrote my 100 Life Goals book and my Authorities book on Real Estate investing.  His monthly mentor program and daily 1 minute mentor videos have been very influential in my life.  To visit Raymond Aaron's website, click here.

Dave Howlett was my assigned mentor during my time with Toastmasters, an organization to help people develop their public speaking and communication skill.  Dave was and is an exceptional professional speaker who inspired me greatly.  He has founded his own organization to help people live what he calls "The Real Human Being Philosphy" and I highly recommend you visit his site . . .  https://www.realhumanbeing.org/

Tom and Nick Karadza of Rockstar Real Estate are two brothers running of of Canada's fastest growing companies.  I am a VIP member in their program and attend regular events where they teach their principles and strategies for not only real estate investing, but for entrepreneurs.  They invest significantly in their own development and that of their members. Check out their Rockstar Website

Jim Rohn was one of my earliest and most influential mentors. Google search "Jim Rohn" and find out about his lasting legacy and all the people he influenced, including Tony Robins.

Mentorship Groups

Another means to help in goal accountability is to create your own mentorship group of like minded individuals interested in personal growth.  You could agree to meet monthly or quarterly, where you will each discuss the areas of your life that you are working on, including specific goals and timelines. 

Knowing that you will be meeting to discuss your progress will give you a heightened level of awareness and accountability towards your goals, in addition to valuable feedback from your group. 

If you've read this far, you'll understand why have a mentor!

Suggested Target Goal:   Find a mentor/coach.
Outrageous Goal:  Meet your mentor(s) monthly for the rest of your life.

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Last updated: April 23, 2020