Reason for this Goal: As the next step after becoming an expert, become an authority figure. The difference between an authority and an expert is that an authority is recognized and branded within their industry. The reason you want to become an authority, and not just an expert, is that because of your reputation as an authority, you will be more highly sought after and more valued. Your income will soar.
The best ways to become an authority include:
The financial incentives to becoming an authority are significant with the difference between making a living and being truly wealthy. Some people who are authorities don’t have as much knowledge as others considered true experts. It’s the branding and reputation that makes you an authority. If you have set a goal to become an expert (Goal # 57), you should take it one step further to really accelerate your life and become an authority.
Experts are to be admired for their knowledge, but they often remain unrecognized by the general public because they save their information and insights for paying customers and clients. There are many experts in a given field, but their impact is limited to the handful of people with whom they work.
Unlike experts, authority figures share their knowledge and expertise far more broadly, so they make a big impact on the world. Authorities become known and admired as leading experts and, as such, typically do very well economically and professionally. Most are also mature enough to know that part of the joy of monetary success is the accompanying moral and spiritual obligation to give back.
Authorities are individuals who have distinguished themselves in life and in business. They make a big impact on the world and are leaders in their chosen fields. Authorities typically do very well financially, and are evolved enough to know that part of the joy of monetary success is the accompanying social, moral and spiritual obligation to give back. Authorities are not just outstanding. They are also known to be outstanding. This additional element begins to explain the difference between two strategic business and life concepts — one that seems great, but isn’t, and the other that fills in the essential missing gap of the first.
. . . Raymond Aaron
Suggested Goal(s): Become an authority figure as a _______________.
Your Outrageous Goal: Be a highly sought-after authority figure within your industry.
To get started, there are many authorities in the publishing and self-help business who have made it very easy for you to write and publish your own book.
Return to career goals.
Last updated: November 12, 2019