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Personal development key to unlocking your future! January 15, 2022 |
Hey!Your personal development.Before we begin: If you enjoy this newsletter, please forward it along. If someone forwarded this to you, click here to sign up 100 Goals Club is a complimentary newsletter that specializes in helping you plan your life goals in 10 important areas. 1. Personal Development 2. Health and Fitness 3. Family and Friends 4. Hobbies and Passions 5. Financial 6. Career 7. Adventure 8. Travel 9. Lifestyle 10. Leaving a Legacy / Giving Back You are part of an exclusive group of goalsters (someone who understands the importance of life goals)! This email is going out to 1272 email subscribers. You are receiving this email because you expressed an interest in life goals. Remove your email by clicking unsubscribe below at any time. Good QuotesThe following quotes were extracted from the book "DARE TO WIN" by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen:"It's not that people want too much. It's that they want too little" "Goals are for a lifetime. They are our voluntary yet mandatory assignment" "Life is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be" . . . Jose Ortega Y Gasset
------------------- I was first inspired by "Good Quotes" when my Karate club posted inspirational quotes on their sign board at the front of their club store front. During my years as Manager of Bids and Proposals, most of our daily and monthly team meetings would start with an inspirational quote. There is nothing like starting off your day with a good quote to reflect upon! Find a source of good quotes for your daily inspiration! Goal Achievement TipI'm currently re-reading the book "DARE TO WIN" by the co-authors of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. I had forgot that this book was the inspiration for my 100 Life Goals that I set at age 30. I've read so many personal development books and listened to so much motivational material that I hadn't remembered exactly where the idea for my 100 life goals actually originated, only that it was through my reading of personal development books.I recommend this book, available on Amazon for $ 17.50. The following is a direct extract from page 23 of the book (my book is an old version so it may be different in the latest edition): WRITE TOO MANY GOALS "Many people will tell you to write down your goals, but we're different in that we tell you to write down too many goals. Don't just write down one or two goals. Write down dozens, at least 101 goals. We each keep a "Future Diary" in which we now have hundreds of pages of goals!" The reason they go on to explain is that each goal has a different timeline and our subconscious mind needs varying amounts of time to "work" on each goal. It's also important to never run out of goals and have "goals on tap" to keep life exciting. ![]() Why Personal Development?While it may seem odd for you to set personal development goals, this should be your foundation in accomplishing your life goals. Establishing these before you turn 30 (but its never to late!) is important to setting you up for maximum achievement.Achieving a high level of success in your life may not be possible without investing in your own personal growth. For me, there is no way I could have achieved our level of success without having invested significant time and effort into my own personal development. I was fortunate to have been introduced to self-help and personal development through my Karate Sensei in my early twenties. Apart from learning about Martial Arts and self defence, he taught his students about success principles and conducted "Improve Your Life Seminars" where he taught me about the importance of setting goals. I remember driving to a park during my lunch hour and listening to motivational tapes (yes, on cassette tapes if you remeber what these were), from such personal development speakers as Jim Rohn, Dennis Waitley, Brian Tracy, Les Brown and many others. You can do the same know by listening to podcasts from your favourite motivational speakers. My life has been forever changed as a result of the passion I developed early on in understanding the benefits of personal development. Reading books, listening to motivational speakers and leaders had and continues to have a trans-formative impact on me. As mentioned above, this month I went to my personal development library (in my new man cave garage) and started re-reading "DARE TO WIN". I hadn't read this book for more than 30 years and I find it just as inspiring as I did back when I read it first! You may assume I am an avid reader however I am not. I struggle to read books just as many do. My goal to reach you 7 books this year will be a challenge for me but one that is important. There is an important quote I read more than 20 years ago which suggests that you will be the same person in the future as you are today, with the exception of two things: 1. The books you read and 2. The people you meet . . . That quote has made a major impact on me and one of the reasons that the 1st of these 100 goals is focused on reading. The majority of successful people read books to not only increase their knowledge, but to inspire them to be more successful in both their professional and personal life. There is an expression that all leaders are readers. BenefitsThe benefits of personal development and investing time into personal development are numerous!- Increase your self confidence - Stretch your mind as to what is possible in your life - Learn strategies to maximize your productivity - Improve your communication skills - Develop a plan for your life - Understand your life purpose - Gain conviction to complete your life goals - Improve your chances for promotion - Develop knowledge in areas that you need to learn or refresh on - Learn all the things they didn't teach you in school The fact that you are reading this newsletter means that you have taken a keen interest in Personal Development. Congratulations . . . you are on the right path!! 10 Personal Development GoalsMy 10 life goals in this goal category are:1 - Read self help books. Start with my 100 Life Goals book! (see below) 2 - Define your core values. Mine are defined by the acronym IOCEK. Integrity, Optimism, Courage, Enthusiasm and Knowledge. 3 - Attend personal development seminars and workshops. 4 - Develop a daily Power Hour. It's called a "Power Hour", but if you only have time for 15 or 30 minutes, that's okay too. 5 - Find a mentor. Mine was my Karate teacher and followed by personal development speakers like Jim Rohn (I met him in person once!). I'm now learning about all things related to Elon Musk and how he impacting our world through technology. 6 - Learn continuously. I recently read that this is essential, especially as we grow old. The brain should be viewed just like a muscle that needs to be used continuously. 7 - Develop your positive attitude. Ask yourself what it is like to be around a negative person. Not so much fun. Set a goal to increase your positive attitude and become the most positive person you know. 8 - Develop your communication skills. Important for all relationships and for developing your career. 9 - Write your life purpose. I struggled with this for a long time. Don't worry if you don't have this figured out yet. Living and teaching a goal inspired life is a key part of my purpose. 10 - Discover your spirituality. This is important (and different) for so many people.
Your first Million $If you haven't figured it out already, achieving your life's goals will require money and probably lots of it. Making your first million will always be the hardest.Following are some thoughts to your first million . . . - INVEST 10-20% of your employment income in good quality stocks (companies) or index funds. When you own individual shares in a company, you actually own part of that company and their financial success (or failure). Some of the companies that we personally believe in include Tesla, Apple and Costco. Start investing now and plan on owning for a long time. There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to amass a $ 1M nest egg in the next 30 years using the magic of compounding interest in the stock market. - OWN REAL ESTATE as an important part of developing your Net Worth. After your first house, consider buying a rental property or properties. - SPEND LESS THAN YOU EARN. Don't be tempted to buy things to impress people or your neighbours. Too much stuff is just that . . . too much stuff. I would rather own one good quality something than a few lower quality somethings. Personal UpdateKathy and I "locked down" our 2022 goals for the year. Since my last newsletter, three more were added for a total of 32. This is way to many but hey . . . we're retired. What else are we going to do!HEALTH AND FITNESS: Trim down 10 pounds before our destination wedding in Cancun Mexico (assuming this is not disrupted due to COVID). HOBBIES AND PASSIONS: Complete 100 bass guitar lessons at I finally internalized that "music is a language" and although I've been a musician most of my life, my understanding of the music language was lacking. I have a new found excitement for improving my hobby as a musician. GIVING BACK AND LEAVING A LEGACY: Organize all our Digital photographs.
GOAL ACCOMPLISHMENT: We are already off to a good start to the year. I'm journaling weekly our progress with respect to the following weekly metrics: - Reading 5X a week - Walking 3X a week (approx 4Km / 1 hour walks) - Listening to 3-5X podcasts a week - Cardio (aerobic) 3X a week. Free online workouts hosted by Fitness Blender on YouTube - Strength training 3X a week. A combination of pushups and/or weight lift reps. I can currently perform between 30-50 pushups continuously, depending on my mental strength on any given day LOL. - Bass Guitar Lessons 2X a week, with practice most days in between. WRITING DOWN YOUR GOAL ACCOMPLISHMENT ON THINGS YOU'VE DECIDED TO DO DAILY OR WEEKLY IS IMPORTANT TO ACCOUNTABILITY. I do this in my journal (a black book with 10" x 7.5" pages) keeping notes tracking key weekly metrics completed and other key events that happened during the week. Check out, goal # 91 on keeping a life journal. ---------- Remember that your 100 Life Goals are something you set for your life time. Each year chose how many goals you want to focus on, while keeping the 100 (or more) in mind. 100 Life Goals BookI've recently received great feedback from some of you on how your purchase of my 100 Life Goals Book has really been helpful and how you will be purchasing books from family and friends for upcoming birthdays. What a great gift idea. There is no telling how a physical book on personal development and goal setting could impact someone's life.To purchase from Amazon for just $ 14.99 plus shipping This is the only thing I have to sell you at the 100 Goals Club. This book is designed to be an "easy read" with one or two pages per goal. For those of you who don't read much or have family members you'd like to read this, know that this 208 page book is an easy read. The experience is much different than reading from my website. Share your goalsOne of my objectives for the 100 Goals Club is to be a place to share goals amongst us. While I haven't set up the platform to be able to do this yet . . .Send me one (or more) of your life goals that you wouldn't mind sharing in this newsletter. Sharing your goal(s) with other like minded individuals can be a positive thing and provide some inspiration to others as well as help with accountability for completing. Let me know if you are okay with me sharing your first name, country you are from and a little bit of information about you. Email me at Stay tuned for my next newsletter. SnippetsSome random updates:NEWSLETTER FREQUENCY: Will change from 2X per month to the 1st of Each Month TESLA INVESTING: We are super bullish on the outlook for Tesla stock (TSLA) over the next 10 years. While the stock price is volatile (can go up or down 30% in a week), long term the growth in Electric Vehicles and Teslas dominance is certain. Tesla stock is currently on sale relative to the 2022 year predictions for between $ 1,600 and $ 2,000 per share by the end of the year. Don't take my word, do your own research. I've found some amazing YouTubers that are much more knowledgeable than many of the Wallstreet analysts. Email me if you'd like to know who I recommend at NETFLIX SERIES: Kathy and I have been watching the Netflix series "A Million Little Things" and are enjoying it tremendously. 10 GOAL CATEGORIES: My Digital life is now organized based on our 100 Goals. I have separate file folders for each goal under each of the 10 life goal categories. My tip of the month next newsletter will detail this further.
Next newsletter . . .My next newsletter will be on February 1st where I will focus on Health and Fitness goals.
Brian Klodt founder of the 100 Goals Club CREATE YOUR HAPPY LIFE!
P.S. Thank you for those of you who have reach out to me in the last 30 days. I love hearing from subscribers. If you would like to reach out to me, email me at Tell me where you are from and a little bit about yourself. P.S.S. If you are receiving this newsletter but haven't received your goal setting worksheet, please email me at and let me know. Occasionally submissions to subscribers get "bounced back".
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