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Create your happy life! May 01, 2020 |
Hey!Create your happy life!100 Goals Club is a complimentary newsletter that specializes in helping you plan your life goals in 10 important areas: 1. Personal Development 2. Health and Fitness 3. Family and Friends 4. Hobbies and Passions 5. Financial 6. Career 7. Adventure 8. Travel 9. Lifestyle 10. Leaving a Legacy You are part of an exclusive group of goalsters (someone who understands the importance of life goals)! This email is going out to 304 email subscribers. Look for newsletters on the 1st and 15th of each month! You are receiving this email because you expressed an interest in life goals. Remove your email by clicking unsubscribe below at any time. INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE ABOUT SUCCESS "Many people, millions of them, can find new energy by selecting a goal and giving all they've got to accomplish that goal. Goals cure boredom. Goals even cure many chronic ailments." ~ David Schwartz David is the author of "The Magic of Thinking Big", one of my all time favourite and must read self-help books. You can check out my book report here: Create your happy life!With extra time at home due to COVID-19, I've had time to "play" and rework my branding for the 100 Goals Club. Check out my website for the new logo: Let me know what you think of the new branding and tag line "Create your happy life!" I've been deciding between that and "Be Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and Wise". Which do you prefer? Email me at and let me know! I was inspired by the retirement website "retire happy", and my existing "happy" symbol in my original logo. There is no better aspiration in life than to be happy. It is brought home even more as most of us are "at home" with more time to reflect on the future. It is my belief that 100 Life Goals are even more important with more focus on setting goals that will create your happiness. All 10 Life Goal categories are still essential. Depending upon the phase of your life, it's okay and in fact healthy to change up the focus. For me, I'll be focusing less on financial, career and lifestyle and more on health and fitness and family and friends! (and the 100 Goals Club!)
How PINTEREST can inspire your life goals!For some of you, you're already using PINTEREST and understand the power of this platform to inspirePinterest, Inc. is an American social media web and mobile application company. It operates a software system designed to enable saving and discovery of information on the World Wide Web using images and videos. Pinterest has more than 300 million monthly active users! I've just recently set up a 100 Goals Club PINTEREST site, as a more "VISUAL" way to record my life goals across all of these 10 Life Goal categories. I'm still at novice at this, but basically you can create your own "BOARDS" which you can think of as a "bulletin board" where you can "pin" your favourite photos. I've setup a "BOARD" for each of the 10 life goal categories and am starting to "PIN" my favourite photos, images and videos of things to do, be and purchase in the future. Check out some of my pages which include some of my early inspiration. This will expand greatly over time with more than 1,000 Pins! I am a visual person and find it so amazing to be able to "PIN" my favourite photos and ideas to review as future life goals. Check out my boards. I'm also creating a feature art for each of the 100 Life Goals, having completed the first 10 under the first life goal category of personal development.
100 Life Goals - New Art!Building on my last newsletter, following is the visualization of my 100 Life Goals using the new artwork and symbology for each of the 10 life goal categories.If you like it, PIN it from my Pinterest site or directly from images at 100 Goals Club! ![]() Next newsletter . . .My next newsletter on May 15th will focus on health and fitness ideas to keep you well during these stay at home times.
Until next time . . . keep planning!
Brian Klodt founder of the 100 Goals Club Create your happy life!
P.S. If you haven't yet purchased my 100 Life Goals book, now is a great time!! |
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